Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cutting down some useless bills

While preparing for a baby we asked ourselves where we could trim a few bills to save some extra money every month. The first bill we decided to cut was our cable bill. Let me first tell you that I am a sports fanatic. I coach a varsity basketball team and played multiple sports throughout my entire life. My wife and I also really enjoy relaxing and watching popular shows together. However, realizing that we were spending over $100.00 a month to sit and waste time we decided to trim the bill down. We first tried to cancel cable altogether and just keep our internet. Our plan was to use our Xbox with internet to access Netflix when we wanted to watch certain tv shows we really liked and buy a cheap antenna for our nice 55 inch flatscreen tv for basic channels such as nbc and abc. After calling Comcast we were able to get our price down to $40.00 a month which included the basic 10 channels or so and the same fast internet we had. This has been the best thing that could have happened. By having the basic channels we also have access to on demand so we can watch popular shows such as the Walking Dead the following day or whenever we want to and actually have the time. Also, a lot of important sport games are on the basic channels so I can still watch them. Now, you may be worried about your ESPN, ESPN, or if you like the NBA, the playoffs were on TNT all channels we do not get. Well if you have you comcast e-mail information you can download the espn free app and tnt app and as long as you have an e-mail and password you can access those channels on your tablet or phone. I was able to watch all of the NBA playoffs on the iPad while my wife watched her shows on tv. This added $60.00 a month has been nice as well as forced us to do other things such as house work when we would have normally watched tv. Now, there are many days where I wish I could just turn to HGTV and watch some of my favorite shows instead of watching the episodes available on Demand, however I ALWAYS think later while i am doing something productive, "Wow I'm glad we don't have those channels to distract us". I am so glad that we lowered our cable and have been accomplishing more in our home and saving money at the same time. Oh, I almost forgot about the antenna thing. So although we ended up not needing an antenna, I had bought one for $10.00 at Best Buy and put it on the tv in the guest bedroom. It actually got about 60 channels including all the ones I have on my tv downstairs in my Comcast package. Even if the guy at the store tells you it won't get a specific national channel such as abc or nbc, it will so don't believe them. If you want to accomplish more, save money, and also limit the tv your family watches I would challenge you to try this. You won't regret it. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think!

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