Sunday, June 8, 2014

Saving Hundreds by making breakfast and lunch

One of the easiest ways to save some money is by not spending money at your job. People all over the world plan their budgets and where they are going to spend their money, but buy their breakfast and lunch at Wawa every day. If you are spending $10.00 a day and working just 20 days a month, you are spending $200.00 a month from your earnings. Why waste this money on overpriced food. Also, carrying a sweet lunchbox around is cool nowadays! Now I know that you are going to have cravings for breakfast sandwiches, but these occasional cravings can be filled from your restaurant fund on the weekend or occasional day so trust me you can do this. Instead of buying out food everyday we make breakfast every day and bring our lunch. It doesn't take that much time or effort to do these two things and I think our lunches and breakfast is better and saves us money. For example during our grocery trip we buy a lb of ham ($3.50) and a lb of cheese ($4), 2 boxes of wheat thins ($5), 6 greek yogurt ($5) , 6 regular yogurt ($3) , 2 loaves of wheat bread($4) , 2 dozen eggs (3.50), a container of strawberries and one of blueberries ($4), a bunch of bananas ($4), a bag of apples ($2.50),  and a double package of Thomas English Muffin ($4). Also Maxwell coffee container ($7) and creamer  ($4). These costs total $53.50. I actually chose slightly higher prices for most things than what we spend at a local discount produce store, but wanted to overshoot. So for this $53.50 for 2 weeks you can make an egg with cheese on an english muffin every day for 2 people. Also brew your coffee in a typical coffee maker and use a to go mug to take to work. For lunch I typically make a ham and cheese sandwich, bag of wheat things, yogurt, and apple. My wife normally has peanut butter and jelly sandwich, greek yogurt, wheat things, and cut up strawberries and blueberries. This lunch has a variety of foods meanwhile we save almost $150.00 + that we would spend at Wawa or some other store every day by buying our food. I have seen many people spend $10.00 alone at lunch + $5.00 for breakfast totally $15.00 a day. Compared to these people by making our lunch which takes no more than 5 minutes in the morning and making our coffee and breakfast we would save about $250.00 a month by doing this. If you buy your breakfast or lunch out PLEASE DON'T! Try making these two meals and see how much extra money you see in your bank account at the end of the month. Little changes like these really add up. Leave me a comment below and let me know if you are going to try it or what you think!

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